The Geordie Hour…a unique show
Radio Tyneside's Geordie Hour is a long-running radio show dedicated to the talents of musicians, writers, bands and entertainers from the North East of England past and present. Produced by Karis Jones and presented by Gary Hogg, The Geordie Hour goes out at 5pm on Sundays on Radio Tyneside, worldwide via the internet and free around all our local hospitals.
We play all types of music as long as it's suitable for people listening on the wards and a Sunday afternoon audience.
We play all types of music as long as it's suitable for people listening on the wards and a Sunday afternoon audience.
Pop, Blues, Folk, Jazz, Country, Choirs, Traditional, Classical, Brass, 20s, 30s Swing, Rockabilly, Americana, Bluegrass - all of which we have in abundance here in the North East!
We always want to hear from local singers and musicians who can provide us with good quality recordings to play on the show. Originals or covers. Please get in touch
We are delighted to be part of the HBA Station of the Year at Radio Tyneside.
We always want to hear from local singers and musicians who can provide us with good quality recordings to play on the show. Originals or covers. Please get in touch
We are delighted to be part of the HBA Station of the Year at Radio Tyneside.
93.6 FM
Free on Hospedia and online at